Bookmark anything, anywhere!
Features User Guide Message Me
Bookmark anything that can be selected.

Access your bookmarks anywhere.

Learn how to create a bookmark >

Quickly find any bookmark inside any bin.

Advanced search allows searching by date or within two dates, filtering by bins, finding various bookmark types and much more!

Learn how to find bookmarks >

Add a bookmark to any folder or file from within windows.

Learn how to bookmark folders and files >

Quckly preview any bookmark just by hovering the cursor over it.

Tips and tricks when using bookmarks >

Perform various operations with and over bookmarks.

List of available actions with bookmarks >

Feature requests are open, head over to the Message Me section to send a feature request.
User Guide

Create a bookmark

  1. Select some text anywhere inside windows.
  2. Hit CTRL⊞WIN at the same time.
  3. Enter a bin path (ex.
    will put the item inside a bin named "music", then inside a bin named "2020", then inside a bin named "rock").
  4. (Optional) You can edit the contents of the bookmark.
  5. (Tip) If you leave the path blank the bookmark will be automatically be saved into a temporary bin.
  6. Hit ↵Enter or click "Create".
  7. (Tip) Hit Esc or click on another window to cancel the action.
  8. (Tip) Bookmark types are automatically determined.

Finding bookmarks

  1. Hit ⊞WINAlt at the same time.
  2. Type a search query.
  3. (Optional) Advanced queries can contain the following flags:
    • -q Some Query
      - Search with plain text inside bookmark content.
    • -p literal:path
      - Search literal bin path.
    • -d 27.11.2020 01.01.2021
      - Filter by date or range of dates.
    • -t link
      - Filter by bookmark type (link, text, image, dir, file).
    • -a Everything
      - Everything.
  4. (Optional) Flag combinations are allowed (ex.
    -q youtube -t link -d 22.11.2020
    will find all youtube links that were added on 22.11.2020).
  5. (Tip) Hit Esc or click on another window to cancel the action.

How to bookmark folders and files

  1. Add Checkmeg to Windows context menu (Admin rights needed).
    • Go to Profile->Actions.
    • Click on the "Add to Windows Context Menu" button .
  2. Right click on any file or folder in Windows Explorer.
  3. Go to Checkmeg submenu and choose your desired action.
  4. (Optional) You can simply put a folder/file path as a bookmark and it will be automagically recognised as a folder or a file.

Tips and tricks when using bookmarks

  • Hovering over a bookmark will show its contents.
  • Clicking a bookmark will execute its action.
    • If the bookmark is of type
      , the text will be copied to clipboard.
    • If the bookmark is of type
      , the link will open in your deafult browser.
    • If the bookmark is of type
      , the file/folder will be opened in Windows.
  • Clicking a bin will scope to that bin.

Available actions with bookmarks

  • Right clicking a bookmark or a bin will show the available actions.
  • You can view and edit the bookmark by opening the Details window.
  • When changing a bookmark's path, it will automatically be moved to a new bin.
  • When changing a bin's path, the bin/bookmark hierarchy beneath the bin will be preserved.
  • "New Here" will create a new bookmark in the current bin.
  • "Archive" will move all selected bookmarks/bins to a special bin named "_ARCHIVE".
  • "Copy Content" will copy the content of the bookmark regardless of the type.
  • "Copy Path" will copy the bookmark path.
  • "Copy Add" will add the bookmark content to the current clipboard content.
  • "Delete" will delete the selected bookmarks.
  • "Select" will select the current bookmark.
  • "Select All in Bin" will select all bookmarks in the current bin.
  • "Select Add All in Bin" will add to the selection all bookmarks in the current bin.
  • "Deselect All" will deselect everything. This can be also done by clicking somewhere outside the bookmark area.
  • "Move Selected Here" will move all selected bookmarks to the selected bin.
  • "Change Path" will change a bin's path.
Message me
Checkmeg is currently in closed alpha.

If you want to participate in the closed alpha, encountered a bug, want a new feature or just want to ask a question write your name and e-mail in the form below and I will contact you with more details.


Developed by ©Martin Petkovski 2020 - 2021